First Resources Corporation and Tenco Industries merged on July 1, 2020. The organization now serves eleven counties in southeast Iowa. Together FRC can focus on quality services through best practices, can create efficiencies, can invest in our employees and increase our advocacy efforts.
First Resources Corp. - Executive Team
Susan Woodford - Executive Director
Codie Amason - Chief Operating Officer
Colette Edmundson - Chief Financial Officer
Jennifer Reynolds - Director of Human Resources
First Resources Corporation
2019-2024 Strategic Plan
Updated 8/20
Our 2019-2024 Strategic Plan Goals
First Resources Corporation will provide highly effective leadership in operations and management to increase its capacity to achieve results.
First Resources Corporation will increase community awareness and financial capacity with the support of donors, volunteers, diverse funding sources and community partnerships.
First Resources Corporation will assess and implement quality and beneficial programs that address the needs of individuals and those the agency serves.
First Resources Corporation will work to improve physical design, technology, and maintenance at all sites to centralize and streamline services.
Our Progress
Goal 1: First Resources Corporation will provide highly effective leadership in operations and management to increase its capacity to achieve results.
Objective 1: Improve FRC’s overall operation and service delivery.
A Director of Compliance was hired on 7/1/2020.
As we move forward as one organization, FRC is working to ensure best practices. This will be reflected in our policies, procedures, and daily operations as each system and process is reviewed. Some systems currently under review include: Documentation for Services, Billing, Training and Orientation, Client Finances, Medication Administration, Employee Onboarding, Employee Performance Evaluations, etc.
The agency has appointed the Organizational Standards Committee to include the Executive Director, CFO, COO, Chief Strategic Officer, HR Director, Director of Disability Services, Director of Behavioral Health Services, Director of Employment Services and Director of Compliance.
Agency bi-laws were updated in June 2020 to incorporate the merger.
A committee has been meeting frequently to combine training between the two organizations. The committee is recommending more in person/zoom trainings so they can be specific to FRC rather than using Relias online training.
In order to improve communication and decrease departmentalization, FRC has done the following: hosted regular agency wide zoom updates; sent many emails regarding COVID and expectations; hosted weekly management/department head meetings; and created a monthly agency newsletter.
As the agency assesses its systems, then we can begin establishing our agency wide monitoring and compliance expectations. At this time, we are hoping to have this complete in January 2021.
Goal 2: First Resources Corporation will increase community awareness and financial capacity with the support of donors, volunteers, and community stakeholders.
Objective 1: Diversify funding and increase revenue and human capital.
A Chief Strategic Officer and Director of Marketing were hired on 7/1/2020.
There is a new board comprised of both former agencies’ key supporters.
A fundraising committee has been established.
Several staff have been trained on grant writing and various applications.
A detailed fundraising plan should be completed in October 2020.
A database for grants, fundraisers, etc should be completed in March 2021.
A database for volunteers and donation of goods should be completed in March 2021.
The agency is looking at purchasing truckloads of goods to help supply client and programmatic needs (ie: new beds, dishes, etc). This could possibly create community partnerships as well as create jobs for those we serve.
The Tenco Foundation Golf Tournament was held on 8/15/2020. It is a great time
Objective 2: Enhance the agency’s visibility and improve its image in the community.
A Chief Strategic Officer was hired on 7/1/2020 whose primary role is to serve as a voice at the state and local level.
A monthly newsletter is distributed to staff.
FRC has created commercials to promote our employment and behavioral health services.
Social media sites and websites are being blended to show the new merger and to ensure consistent communication.
A branding competition was held for staff.
Focus groups are being held to help with determining a new agency name.
A new name/logo will be introduced by January 2021.
New marketing materials will be disseminated as branding is finalized.
Goal 3: First Resources Corporation will assess and implement quality and beneficial programs that address the needs of individuals and those the agency serves.
Objective 1: Enhance current programs in all departments to utilize “Evidenced Based Practices” and “best practices.”
Behavioral Health Services Evidenced Based Practices include: Motivational Interviewing, Seeking Safety and Trauma Informed Care:
Employment Services will take training and implement Individual Placement and Support (IPS) as its evidenced based practice. This curriculum is focused on supporting people with mental health needs but will be adjusted to also support people with other disabilities.
The agency has trained all Behavioral Health Staff in Trauma Informed Care. This training may be extended to all staff providing services.
Objective 2: Enhance program services where “gaps” are identified.
A “family supported” service model for disability services was started in Pella IA in July. The family has assisted with the purchase of the home as well as assists with providing supports for the clients.
Goal 4: First Resources Corporation will improve physical design and technology to improve centralized and consistent processes for the agency.
Objective 1: Enhance physical design conducive to the needs of the client served and staff.
Progress /Updates:
A bathroom remodel is being done at the Kellar home.
With the merger, relocation of personnel is underway to have departments working together; this should help unification efforts and communication.
Objective 2: Increase technology capacity to provide centralized services.
The installation of VOIP phone system has been extended until 1/2021 due to the merger.
10 laptops were purchased with cameras to help clients communicate with their families. A Braille phone system was installed at a home in Knoxville.
The agency will start looking for a new Electronic Health Record (EHR) system in March 2020. Full implementation should be done by 1/2022.
Objective 3: Improve technology to connect remote sites to improve communication.
Zoom meetings are being utilized for client meetings.
Zoom meetings are being utilized for many staff meetings.
Several agencies have equipment for larger group training via Zoom or Skype.
Objective 4: Improve physical design at all sites that need improvement and growth of services.
With the closure of FSRP services, offices have been/are being closed in Oskaloosa, Newton, Centerville and Fairfield.
There is a desire for one large administrative office in Ottumwa or a campus site in Ottumwa.